ups and downs

so, my head keeps going up and then down, being positive one minute, being ultra negative the next. it hurts quite a lot actually.

I really do need to go and see my doctors, haven’t been to the doctors in over a year, i’ve just been posting my repeat prescription forms, and then picking up my prescription when i’ve got the get up and go to walk the 5 miles to the surgery.

I wish i was with another doctor, but there is’t one that’s getattable for me being in the arse end of nowhere,  and i have a personal dislike of one the main doctor there, the only one who it seems you are guaranteed to see if you get aan appointment. This GP, who i will not name, is the same one who told me 3 days after having an 18hr long operation on my ear to remove a cholesteatoma that was 1/4mm away from my main facial nerve, that there was nothing at all wrong with my ears, and i was just a malingerer…

I need to get and see a GP, to try and sort out my medication,   i keep forgetting to take my antidepressants, and then taking more than i should, and all things like that,  i’m not good at making sure i do something regularly, so it’s all shite..

Hopefully though, come september or october, i will be moved away, and i will be able to get in at a good gp, who can give me the support i need for the mental health stuff, and can also get me referred to an ENT clinic again, because stupidly, while living in suffolk, i stopped going to the regular 6 months checkups at manchester hospital that i was meant to go to. i also don’t want to be referred for ENT departments at local hospitals like they are here, i want to be at a full teaching hospital, where they have experts in whats wrong with my ears and stuff.


down, up, up, down, up, up, down, down, down,   i just need this all sorted

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