reasons hopefully things will get better soon

i’ve decided to apply to universities to try and do a degree again, and am in the clearing system at the moment.   I started doing a degree back when i was 18, but, for various reasons, including undiagnosed mental health issues, i only completed 2 years of that degree, and my head was not in the right place to even think about changing what degree i was doing at the time.

I’ve decided this time to apply to do a course in something i am highly interested in, rather than just something i was academical good at, which was the mistake i made previously.

I’ve also decided that the universities i’m asking to have a look at my clearing applications are all ones which are in cities i wouldn’t mind living in, and also aren’t part of the snotnose snobbery known as the russell group. UWE, UEA, Leeds Met, Nottingham Trent, Sheffield Hallam and Liverpool Hope.

Here’s to hoping that they get back to me, and say yes!


I’ve sent off an application for Student Loan, but no idea whether they’ll actually give me one, seeing as i’ve had 2 years of loans previously, far far far in the past,  but i’ve made sure i’ve said on my form that mental health was one of the reasons i didn’t complete my degree.


I am feeling very stressed at the moment, because i’m waiting to hear from both the universities, and also the student loan company.



If that fails,  i’ve decided that come the end of september, i am going to move to a city,   with bristol currently slightly ahead in my rankings,  purely because it’s somewhere i haven’t spent that much time, but have heard very good things about, whereas i have spent a fuckton of time in all the other cities i could see myself living, and i do like discovering new places.

I have got a small bit of money available, ~£1400, which when i got my final payments from my last job, i transferred to my mum for “safekeeping”, or at least i have an odd memory of it, so i hope i did,    so, hopefully, this will help me with the move,  but, again, hopefully i won’t need that, hopefully i can go straight to university…


If i get offered a place on a ccourse, but get tolf by student loans, they can only finance the 2nd and 3rd years, then my plan is to try and work for a year, doing temp work if necessary, wherever i go to, and then use that to pay for my first year in a year or twos time.


Other good things.     I do not make friends really easily, i find it really hard to be relaxed around people until i’ve known them for quite a while, but in the last five weeks, down at the big somerset festival i did volunteer work at, i met a couple of people who i felt mentally relaxed around immediately,  which is good!    one of them, i’ve talked shit with every day since glastonbury, just talking about the world, how everyone is cunts, and seeing who can come up with the most inventive swear description.  i haven’t won that one yet 😦

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